We propose an exact algorithm for counting the models of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form. Our algorithm is based on the detection of strong backdoor sets of bounded size; each instantiation of the variables of a strong backdoor set puts the given formula into a class of formulas for which models can be counted in polynomial time. For the backdoor set detection we utilize an efficient vertex cover algorithm applied to a certain “obstruction graph” that we associate with the given formula. This approach gives rise to a new hardness index for formulas, the clustering-width. Our algorithm runs in uniform polynomial time on formulas with bounded clustering-width. It is known that the number of models of formulas with bounded clique-width, bounded treewidth, or bounded branchwidth can be computed in polynomial time; these graph parameters are applied to formulas via certain (hyper)graphs associated with formulas. We show that clustering-width and the other parameters mentioned are incomparable: there are formulas with bounded clustering-width and arbitrarily large clique-width, treewidth, and branchwidth. Conversely, there are formulas with arbitrarily large clustering-width and bounded clique-width, treewidth, and branchwidth.
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Research supported by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Nuffield Foundation (NAL/01012/G), and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK (EP/E001394/1). A preliminary and shortened version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of SAT 2006, LNCS 4121, pp. 396–409 (2006)
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Nishimura, N., Ragde, P. & Szeider, S. Solving #SAT using vertex covers. Acta Informatica 44, 509–523 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-007-0056-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-007-0056-x