One of the steps in a reverse supply chain is to disassemble the recovered products. The design of such disassembly operations is more complex than that of classical assembly lines. A new GRASP algorithm is presented in this paper for solving Disassembly Sequence Planning, i.e. the determination of the sequence for disassembling component parts. The problem has a combinatorial structure and a large number of constraints. Moreover, checking the feasibility of each solution element is time consuming. The proposed approach is successfully tested against previous best known solutions for a set of public benchmark problems.

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This research was carried out under the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, contract number MEC-04-SEJ2004-07877-C02-01. The authors are thankful to the referees for their constructive criticism and helpful suggestions.
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Adenso-Díaz, B., García-Carbajal, S. & Lozano, S. An efficient GRASP algorithm for disassembly sequence planning. OR Spectrum 29, 535–549 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00291-005-0028-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00291-005-0028-x