Classification performance of an ensemble method can be deciphered by studying the bias and variance contribution to its classification error. Statistically, the bias and variance of a single classifier is controlled by the size of the training set and the complexity of the classifier. It has been both theoretically and empirically established that the classification performance (hence bias and variance) of a single classifier can be improved partially by using a suitable ensemble method of the classifier and resampling the original training set. In this paper, we have empirically examined the bias-variance decomposition of three different types of ensemble methods with different training sample sizes consisting of 10% to maximum 63% of the observations from the original training sample. First ensemble is bagging, second one is a boosting type ensemble named adaboost and the last one is a bagging type hybrid ensemble method, called bundling. All the ensembles are trained on training samples constructed with small subsampling ratios (SSR) 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50 and bootstrapping. The experiments are all done on 20 UCI Machine Learning repository datasets and designed to find out the optimal training sample size (smaller than the original training sample) for each ensemble and then find out the optimal ensemble with smaller trianing sets with respect to the bias-variance performance. The bias-variance decomposition of bundling shows that this ensemble method with small subsamples has significantly lower bias and variance than subsampled and bootstrapped version of bagging and adaboost.
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Zaman, M.F., Hirose, H. Classification Performance of Bagging and Boosting Type Ensemble Methods with Small Training Sets. New Gener. Comput. 29, 277–292 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00354-011-0303-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00354-011-0303-0