This study presents a novel hybrid intelligent system using both unsupervised and supervised learning that can be easily adapted to be used in an individual or collaborative system. The system divides the classification problem into two stages: firstly it divides the input data space into different parts, according to the input space distribution of the data set. Then, it generates several simple classifiers that are used to correctly classify samples that are contained in one of the previously determined parts. This way, the efficiency of each classifier increases, as they can specialize in classifying only related samples from certain regions of the input data space. This specialization of the single classifiers enables them to learn more specific patterns or characteristics of the data space, avoiding the risk of obtaining a general algorithm that over-fits to the data. The hybrid system presented has been tested with artificial and real data sets. A comparative study of the results obtained by the novel model with those obtained from other common classification methods is also included in the present work.
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Baruque, B., Porras, S. & Corchado, E. Hybrid Classification Ensemble Using Topology-preserving Clustering. New Gener. Comput. 29, 329–344 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00354-011-0306-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00354-011-0306-x