We study reallocation rules in the context of a one-good economy consisting of agents with single-peaked preferences and individual endowments. A rule is bribe-proof if no group of agents can compensate one of its subgroups to misrepresent their characteristics (preferences or endowments) in order that each agent is better off after an appropriate redistribution of what the rule reallocates to the group, adjusted by the resource surplus or deficit they all engage in by misreporting endowments. First, we characterize all bribe-proof rules as the class of efficient, (preference and endowment) strategy-proof and weakly replacement monotonic rules, extending the result due to Massó and Neme (Games Econ Behav 61: 331–343, 2007) to our broader framework. Second, we present a full description of the family of bribe-proof rules that in addition are individually rational and peak-only. Finally, we provide two further characterizations of the uniform reallocation rule involving bribe-proofness.
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In the model with a social endowment instead of individual ones, an explicit treatment of agents voluntary participation is done by Bergantiños et al. (2012). In that paper agents are characterized by intervals of acceptable amounts and can opt not to be part of the division problem.
The dummy property requires that if an agents endowment coincides with her preferences peak, then the rule should assign to the agent her own endowment. Our weak version only applies when both the endowment and the preferences peak of the agent are zero.
Bribe-proofness actually implies group strategy-proofness, which means that no coalition can gain by misrepresentation of their characteristics.
We can always “embed” an allocation problem \((R,\Omega )\) consisting of a profile of preferences \(R \in \mathcal {R}^N\) and a social endowment \(\Omega \in \mathbb {R}_{+}\) into a reallocation problem \((R, \omega ) \in \mathcal {E}^N\) by assigning to each agent an individual endowment consisting of an equal part of the social endowment, i.e., \(\omega _i:= \frac{\Omega }{n}\) for each \(i \in N.\) From this perspective our model generalizes the one with a social endowment.
In the model with a social endowment \(\Omega \in \mathbb {R}_+\), replacement monotonicity requires that for each \(e=(R, \Omega ) \in \mathcal {R}^{N}\times \mathbb {R}_+ ,\) \(i \in N\) and \(R_i^{\prime }\in \mathcal {R},\) if \(e^{\prime }=(R_i',R_{-i},\Omega )\) and \(f_i(e^{\prime }) \ge f_i(e),\) then \(f_j(e^{\prime }) \le f_j(e)\) for each \(j \ne i.\)
Formally, a rule \(f\) is peak-only if, for each pair \(e=(R,\omega ),\) \(e'=(R',\omega ) \in \mathcal {E}^N,\) whenever \(p(R)=p(R^{\prime })\) we have \(f(e)=f(e^{\prime }).\) This requirement is necessary since it is easy to adapt examples of bribe-proof rules that are not peak-only from Massó and Neme’s setting to ours.
Here the notation \(\varvec{g^t}\) denotes \(g\) composed with itself \(t\) times.
Although bribe-proof rules are own peak-only by Lemma 1, they are not peak-only in general. Example 2 in Massó and Neme (2003) shows this fact in the model with a social endowment. This example can be easily adapted to our model.
The uniform reallocation rule is actually replacement monotonic, since the “weak” part of the definition (concerning the cases in which the agent whose characteristics are being replaced is assigned her peak) is never used in the proof.
This is an adaptation of the example discussed by Massó and Neme (2007) in their Final Remarks section. The actual description of the rule \(f\) is omitted, but it is a straightforward generalization of theirs.
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I would like to thank Alejandro Neme for his guidance and patience. I also would like to thank the anonymous referees, Gustavo Bergantiños, Marcelo Fernández, Andrew Mackenzie, Jordi Massó and specially William Thomson for helpful and detailed comments. Of course, all errors are my own. This work is partially supported by Universidad Nacional de San Luis, through grant 319502, and by Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), through grant PIP 112-200801-00655.
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Bonifacio, A.G. Bribe-proof reallocation with single-peaked preferences. Soc Choice Welf 44, 617–638 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-014-0849-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00355-014-0849-0