The number of open source software (OSS) users has increased in recent years. No longer are they limited to technically adept software developers. Many believe that the OSS market share could increase tremendously provided OSS had systems that were easier to use. Although examples of good usable open source software exist, it is agreed that OSS can be made more usable. This study presents an empirical investigation into the impact of some key factors on OSS usability from the end users’ point of view. The research model studies and establishes the relationship between the key usability factors from the users’ perspective and OSS usability. A data set of 102 OSS users from 13 open source projects of various sizes was used to study the research model. The results of this study provide empirical evidence by indicating that the highlighted key factors play a significant role in improving OSS usability.

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Appendix: Key usability factors from OSS user’s point of view (measuring instrument)
Appendix: Key usability factors from OSS user’s point of view (measuring instrument)
1.1 Users’ expectations
User interface of OSS should follow standards and norms of proprietary software to make them easy to use.
I believe OSS is not meant for novice non-technical users.
Formal feedback from users is missing and thus needed in an OSS environment.
Proprietary software addresses users’ expectations and requirements better than OSS.
1.2 Usability bug reporting and fixing
Ease of reporting errors in software would increase my level of satisfaction.
I never report an error, so usability bug reporting does not affect me.
For effective usability inspections, user training is required.
Usability bugs reflect users’ expectations; therefore, they need to be fixed on priority.
1.3 Interactive help features
I believe interactive help would increase the ease of use of open source software.
A novice user needs only basic features of the software, so interactive help features would not have much impact.
Users of OSS are technically sophisticated; they do not need interactive help.
Interactive help would increase learnability of OSS.
1.4 Usability learning
OSS developers must learn how to incorporate users’ requirements and usability aspects into their software designs.
Lack of usability knowledge is the main cause of poor usability of OSS systems.
The realization of the fact that a software system is for end users (not for the developers themselves) is more important than the formal usability learning.
OSS developers should use quantifiable usability metrics to measure it objectively and effectively.
1.5 Usability guidelines for OSS developers
There should be a standardized user interface and usability guidelines that OSS developers should follow in their designs.
Usability guidelines could act as a standard and checklist against which software could be inspected.
Strict implementation of usability guidelines will take away the OSS developer’s freedom.
Standardized usability guidelines are impracticable in an OSS environment.
1.6 OSS usability
OSS with standardized usability features will help users to compare the usability of different softwares.
Poor usability being the major hurdle, improved usable OSS systems will result in switching users from proprietary software to OSS.
Usable software with satisfied users guarantees its success.
Open source software having improved usability and adaptability for less technical and novice users will end up benefiting all users.
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Raza, A., Capretz, L.F. & Ahmed, F. Users’ perception of open source usability: an empirical study. Engineering with Computers 28, 109–121 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-011-0222-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-011-0222-1