In this research, thermal vibration analysis of a graphene oxide powder-reinforced (GOPR) nanocomposite embedded plate is carried out once the plate is exposed to different types of thermal loading. The plate is reinforced with various functionally graded (FG) distributions through the thickness, namely uniform, X, V, and O in a comparative way to find out the most efficient model of GOPs’ distribution for the purpose of improving vibrational behaviors of the structure. Also, the Halpin–Tsai micromechanical model is employed to describe the material properties of an FG nanocomposite plate. The shear deformation effects are taken into account using a refined higher order shear deformation plate theory. Moreover, the governing equations of the structure have been derived using Hamilton’s principle and then solved analytically for a simply supported GOPR nanocomposite plate. Besides, detailed parametric studies are procured to show the influences of different variants on the natural frequency of the nanocomposite plates. Presented results reveal that the frequency responses of the nanocomposite plates in a thermal environment dramatically depend on the distribution pattern of the GOPs.

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Ebrahimi, F., Nouraei, M. & Dabbagh, A. Thermal vibration analysis of embedded graphene oxide powder-reinforced nanocomposite plates. Engineering with Computers 36, 879–895 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-019-00737-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00366-019-00737-w