In this paper, we studied the relationship between the accuracy of the extrapolating data and the update interval in a distributed virtual environment (DVE). Based on the properties of the polynomial models, we proposed the new method to extrapolate the attribute data which arrives at a discrete time period. Theoretical models were formulated and showed that the average error of the proposed method is less than that of current methods. Finally, we confirmed that the proposed method can improve the accuracy in comparison with current methods by conducting experiments with the motion of a pen for a series of letters written by a human.
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Hanawa, D., Yonekura, T. Improvement on the accuracy of the polynomial form extrapolation model in distributed virtual environment. Visual Comput 23, 369–379 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-007-0109-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-007-0109-8