Fog is an important factor in photography with a special aesthetic, emotional, or compositional meaning. We present a fog-simulation method for photo editing using binocular stereo vision. Given a stereo pair, we estimate the depth information by stereo matching followed by a process to refine depth results for the given photo editing purpose. Then, depth-aware fog effects can be applied on the base image, with optional interaction for control purposes. Besides homogeneous fog, we provide three tools to control the density of the fog media. Thus, various kinds of heterogeneous atmospheric effects can also been simulated. Experiments show that the proposed method can achieve more natural-looking results than manually drawn fog, our results are very close to the appearance of fog in the real world.

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The authors thank Simon Hermann for providing a lib of the iSGM matcher. This project is supported by the China Scholarship Council.
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Liu, D., Klette, R. Fog effect for photography using stereo vision. Vis Comput 32, 99–109 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-014-1058-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-014-1058-7