The same data can be visualized using various visual styles that each is suitable for specific requirements, e.g., 3D geodata visualized using photorealistic, cartographic, or illustrative styles. In contrast to feature-based styling, image-based styling performed in image space at image resolution allows decoupling styling from image generation and output-sensitive, expressive styling. However, leveraging image-based styling is still impeded. No previous approach allows specifying image-based styling expressively with an extensive inventory of composable operators, while providing styling functionality in a service-oriented, interoperable manner. In this article, we present an interactive system for specifying and providing the functionality of image-based styling. As key characteristics, it separates concerns of styling from image generation and facilitates specifying styling as algebraic compositions of high-level operators using a unified 3D model representation. We propose a generalized visualization model, an image-based styling algebra, two declarative DSLs, an operator taxonomy, an operational model, and a standards-based service interface. The approach facilitates expressive specifications of image-based styling for design, description, and analysis and leveraging the functionality of image-based styling in a service-oriented, interoperable, reusable, and composable manner.

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- API:
Application programming interface
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function
- CRS:
Coordinate reference system
- CTL1D 1D:
Color transfer lookup table
- CTL3D 3D:
Color transfer lookup table
- CTLnD nD:
Color transfer lookup table
- DFG:
Data flow graph
- DSL:
Domain-specific language
- FID:
Feature identification
- FNC:
Focus and context
- FStyling:
Feature-based styling
- G-buffer:
Geometric buffer
OpenGL Shading Language
- IRep:
Image-based representation
- ISA:
Image-based styling algebra
- ISE:
Image-based Symbology Encoding
- ISL:
Image-based Styling Language
Image-based Styled Layer Descriptor
- ISO:
International Organization for Standardization
- IStyling:
Image-based styling
- IView:
Image-based view
- LOA:
Level of abstraction
- LSG:
Logical styling graph
- LUT:
Lookup table
- NPR:
- OGC:
Open Geospatial Consortium
- OID:
Object identification
- PR:
- PSG:
Physical styling graph
- SE:
Symbology Encoding
- SE3D:
Symbology Encoding 3D
- SLD:
Styled Layer Descriptor
- SLD3D:
Styled Layer Descriptor 3D
- SOA:
Service-oriented architecture
- SSI:
Service-oriented architectures, standards, and image-based representations
- W3C:
World Wide Web Consortium
- WFS:
Web Feature Service
Web Image-based Styling Service
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Hildebrandt, D. Image-based styling. Vis Comput 32, 445–463 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-015-1073-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-015-1073-3