Remeshing has been an active research topic in Digital Geometry Processing. In this paper, a novel approach of direct anisotropic quad-dominant remeshing is proposed. We apply the retiling method to the particular problem of quad-dominant remeshing. Compared with other methods, this method can simply partition the surface of an original triangular mesh into connected quads with the mesh edges aligning to the principal directions. The first step in this method is to estimate and smooth the curvature tensor field of the surface at the vertices, and then the quad-dominant mesh is obtained by retiling the quad surface so that quadrilateral edges are parallel to the local principal curvature directions. In addition, to preserve the sharp feature information during remeshing processes, the feature lines can be extracted using mesh segmentation method, and the intersections between the feature lines and the orthogonal planes can be found during the process of retiling. A feature fusion process is presented to join the feature edges and feature points into the quad-dominant mesh. The experiment results show that this new remeshing method is simple and easy to implement. The resolution of the quadrilateral mesh can be controlled during the remeshing. It is applicable to arbitrary genus meshes and can generate high-quality quad-dominant mesh.

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We would like to thank the reviewers for their valuable comments. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61272192, 61379112, 61432003).
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Wang, R., Zhou, F. & Yang, F. Retiling scheme: a novel approach of direct anisotropic quad-dominant remeshing. Vis Comput 32, 1179–1189 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1210-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1210-7