In this issue, we first thank the reviewers for their hard work in handling papers during the year 2020 for the Visual Computer.

Then 5 papers from the special issue “Learning Representation for Visual Data” are presented. In addition, 2 papers from the conference Grapp 2019 as well as 2 papers from Cyberworlds 2019 have been selected. This issue is completed with 6 regular papers.

We also mention three corrections to 3 papers.

1 SI: Learning representation from visual data

We are happy to present 5 papers for the special issue “Learning representation from visual data” that has been handled by 4 guest editors who are:

  • Dr. Wenming Zheng, Southeast University, China (lead Editor and Associate Editor of the Visual Computer).

  • Dr. Jianjun Qian, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (guest editor).

  • Dr. Wankou Yang, Southeast University, China (guest editor).

  • Dr. Richard Yi Da Xu, University of Technology, Sydney (guest editor).

After a very careful review, the following papers have been selected:

  1. 1.

    Qiao Du et al., titled: “Block dictionary learning-driven convolutional neural networks for few shot face recognition”.

  2. 2.

    Li Zhang et al., titled: “Dissimilarity-based nearest neighbor classifier for single-sample face recognition”.

  3. 3.

    Cairong Zhao et al., titled: “FLAG: feature learning with additional guidance for person search”.

  4. 4.

    Qi Zhu et al., titled: “An effective recognition approach for contactless palm print”.

  5. 5.

    Azadeh Montazeri et al., titled: “MLK-SVD, the new approach in deep dictionary learning”.

2 Special selection from VISIGRAPP 2019 Conference

We are happy to present 2 selected papers from the conference VISIGRAPP 2019, chaired by Jose Braz from Portugal

  1. 1.

    Felix Gaisbauer et al., titled: “Combining heterogeneous digital human simulations: presenting a novel co-simulation approach for incorporating different character animation technologies”.

  2. 2.

    Bedrich Benes et al., titled: “Character motion in function space”.

3 Special selection from CYBERWORLDS 2019 Conference

We are happy to present 2 selected papers from the CYBERWORLDS 2019 Conference, chaired by Alexei Sourin, NTU, Singapore

  1. 1.

    Xingce Wang et al., titled: “3D skull and face similarity measurements based on a harmonic wave kernel signature”.

  2. 2.

    Xiaoyang Mao et al., titled: “Matching a composite sketch to a photographed face using fused HOG and deep feature models”.

4 Regular papers

The following 6 papers have been submitted as regular papers to the Visual Computer

  1. 1.

    Naoki Kita et al., titled: “Computational design of polyomino puzzles” (also presented at CGI2020 conference).

  2. 2.

    Mehdi Ayadi et al., titled: “A skyline-based approach for mobile augmented reality”.

  3. 3.

    Hongbo Huang et al., titled: “YOLO-face: a real-time face detector”.

  4. 4.

    Jinlong Shi et al., titled: “A self-supervised method of single-image depth estimation by feeding forward information using max-pooling layers”.

  5. 5.

    Nam Kim et al., titled: “Efficient object tracking using hierarchical convolutional features model and correlation filters”.

  6. 6.

    Selçuk Aslan et al., titled: “Modified artificial bee colony algorithms for solving multiple circle detection problem”.

5 Corrections

We mention three corrections to the following papers:

  1. 1.

    Kwnag Ko et al., Correction to: Automated recognition of 3D pipelines from point clouds.

  2. 2.

    Jianping Hu et al., Correction to: Robust and blind image watermarking via circular embedding and bidimensional empirical mode decomposition.

  3. 3.

    Yan Jin et al., Correction to: Low-dose CT lung images denoising based on multiscale parallel convolution neural network.