Deep learning-based approaches for understanding and analyzing 3D flow field grids have been extensively studied in recent years due to their importance in exploring the physical mechanisms of flow fields. However, these methods have shown significant success, which fail to fully utilize the available information and robustly accomplish the 3D flow field grid data analysis. Specifically, the limitation of grid information hampers flow field-based methods from analyzing global velocity distance. Conversely, the absence of velocity information poses challenges for grid-based methods to understand local grid structure. To address the aforementioned issues and cater to most downstream tasks, this paper introduces a flow field-aware network (FFANet). The main innovations of FFANet include: (i) constructing a multi-scale feature learning module using the self-attention mechanism to independently learn features of different scales for velocity distribution and grid structure information. This module aims to generate a global feature with enhanced discriminative representation to improve overall performance; (ii) building a co-attention module to adaptively learn the co-matrix between the aforementioned two features, enhancing effective information utilization of the global feature; (iii) proposing a wall identification method based on the classification module of FFANet, which facilitates generating surface cloud maps and streamlining. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of FFANet compared to state-of-the-art approaches.

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This work is supported by National Numerical Windtunnel project.
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Deng, J., Xing, D., Chen, C. et al. FFANet: dual attention-based flow field-aware network for wall identification. Vis Comput 40, 6463–6477 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-023-03176-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-023-03176-3