In this paper, the existence of directed Hamilton cycle decompositions of symmetric digraphs of tensor products of regular graphs, namely, \((K_r \times K_s)^*,\,\,((K_r \circ \overline{K}_s) \times K_n)^*,\,\,((K_r \times K_s) \times K_m)^*,\,\,((K_r \circ \overline{K}_s) \times (K_m \circ \overline{K}_n))^*\) and \((K_{r,r} \times (K_m \circ \overline{K}_n))^*\), where × and ∘ denote the tensor product and the wreath product of graphs, respectively, are proved. In [16], Ng has obtained a partial solution to the following conjecture of Baranyai and Szász [6], see also Alspach et al. [1]: If D 1 and D 2 are directed Hamilton cycle decomposable digraphs, then D 1 ∘ D 2 is directed Hamilton cycle decomposable. Ng [17] also has proved that the complete symmetric r-partite regular digraph, \(K_{r(s)}^{*} = (K_r \circ \overline{K}_s)^*\), is decomposable into directed Hamilton cycles if and only if \((r,s) \ne (4,1)\) or (6, 1); using the results obtained here, we give a short proof of it, when \(r \notin {4,6}\).
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Paulraja, P., Sivasankar, S. Directed Hamilton Cycle Decompositions of the Tensor Products of Symmetric Digraphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 25, 571–581 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-009-0866-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-009-0866-4