A (finite) sequence of nonnegative integers is graphic if it is the degree sequence of some simple graph G. Given graphs G 1 and G 2, we consider the smallest integer k such that for every k-term graphic sequence π, there is some graph G with degree sequence π with \({G_1 \subseteq G}\) or with \({G_2 \subseteq \overline{G}}\) . When the phrase “some graph” in the prior sentence is replaced with “all graphs”, the smallest such integer k is the classical Ramsey number r(G 1, G 2). Thus we call this parameter for degree sequences the potential-Ramsey number and denote it r pot (G 1, G 2). In this paper, we give exact values for r pot (K n , K t ), r pot (C n , K t ), and r pot (P n ,K t ) and consider situations where r pot (G 1,G 2) = r(G 1,G 2).
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Busch, A., Ferrara, M., Hartke, S.G. et al. A Degree Sequence Variant of Graph Ramsey Numbers. Graphs and Combinatorics 30, 847–859 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-013-1307-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-013-1307-y