Let \(n \ge d \ge \ell \ge 1\) be integers, and denote the n-dimensional hypercube by \(Q_n\). A coloring of the \(\ell \)-dimensional subcubes \(Q_\ell \) in \(Q_n\) is called a \(Q_\ell \)-coloring. Such a coloring is d-polychromatic if every \(Q_d\) in the \(Q_n\) contains a \(Q_\ell \) of every color. In this paper we consider a specific class of \(Q_\ell \)-colorings that are called linear. Given \(\ell \) and d, let \(p_{lin}^\ell (d)\) be the largest number of colors such that there is a d-polychromatic linear \(Q_\ell \)-coloring of \(Q_n\) for all \(n \ge d\). We prove that for all \(d \ge 3\), \(p_{lin}^{d-1}(d) = 2\). In addition, using a computer search, we determine \(p_{lin}^\ell (d)\) for some specific values of \(\ell \) and d, in some cases improving on previously known lower bounds.

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Both authors wish to thank an anonymous referee for helpful suggestions.
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Han, E., Offner, D. Linear d-Polychromatic \(Q_{d-1}\)-Colorings of the Hypercube. Graphs and Combinatorics 34, 791–801 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-018-1914-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-018-1914-8