A circular zero-sum flow for a graph G is a function \(f:E(G) \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}{\setminus }\{0\}\) such that for every vertex v, \(\sum _{e\in E_v}f(e)=0\), where \(E_v\) is the set of all edges incident with v. If for each edge e, \(1\le |f(e)| \le r-1\), where \(r\ge 2\) is a real number, then f is called a circular zero-sum r-flow. Also, if r is a positive integer and for each edge e, f(e) is an integer, then f is called a zero-sum r-flow. If G has a circular zero-sum flow, then the minimum \(r\ge 2\) for which G has a circular zero-sum r-flow is called the circular zero-sum flow number of G and is denoted by \(\Phi _c(G)\). Also, the minimum integer \(r\ge 2\) for which G has a zero-sum r-flow is called the flow number for G and is denoted by \(\Phi (G)\). In this paper, we investigate circular zero-sum r-flows of regular graphs. In particular, we show that if G is k-regular with m edges, then \(\Phi _c(G)=2\) for even k and even m, \(\Phi _c(G)=1+\frac{k+2}{k-2}\) for even k and odd m, and \(\Phi _c(G)\le 1+(\frac{k+1}{k-1})^2\) for odd k. It was proved that for every k-regular graph G with \(k\ge 3\), \(\Phi (G)\le 5\). Here, using circular zero-sum flows, we present a new proof of this result when \(k \ne 5\). Finally, we prove that a graph G has a circular zero-sum flow f such that for every edge e, \(l(e) \le f(e) \le u(e)\), if and only if for every partition of V(G) into three subsets A, B, C,
where l(A, C) is the sum of values of l on the edges between A, C, and l(A) is the sum of values of l on the edges with both ends in A (the definitions of u(B, C) and u(B) are analogous).

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The research of the first and second authors was partly funded by the Iranian National Science Foundation (INSF) under the contract No. 96004167. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the referees for their helpful comments.
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Akbari, S., Ghodrati, A.H. & Nematollahi, M.A. Circular Zero-Sum r-Flows of Regular Graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 36, 1079–1092 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-020-02169-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00373-020-02169-6