Evidence for a response-control-related kind of declarative memory during deep propofol anesthesia has recently been reported. Connectivity within the mediotemporal lobe (MTL), and in particular rhinal–hippocampal synchronization within the gamma band, has been shown to be crucial for declarative memory formation. Thus, we analyzed EEG recordings obtained from the scalp, as well as directly from within the hippocampus and from the anterior parahippocampal gyrus, which is covered by rhinal cortex, in patients with unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy during propofol anesthesia, which preceded electrode explantation. For the gamma band a power decrease starting with induction of anesthesia was observed at scalp position Cz, but a power increase was detected at MTL locations. In contrast to prior results for sleep recordings, rhinal–hippocampal coherence did not decrease within the gamma band at deeper levels of anesthesia. These findings may represent an indirect electrophysiological correlate of partially intact declarative memory formation during deep propofol sedation. Furthermore, we investigated how well the plasma propofol level, as well as different stages of anesthesia including the burst suppression phase, could be monitored by different spectral as well as by nonlinear EEG measures. We observed that conventional spectral power measures, most prominently those recorded from mediotemporal locations, are most closely correlated with the plasma propofol level, whereas different stages of anesthesia can be distinguished best by nonconventional spectral as well as nonlinear measures.
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Fell, J., Widman, G., Rehberg, B. et al. Human mediotemporal EEG characteristics during propofol anesthesia. Biol Cybern 92, 92–100 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-004-0538-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-004-0538-7