Reweighting sensory information adaptively is considered critical for flexible postural control, but little is known of the time scale of the reweighting process. We analyzed the transient dynamics of sensory reweighting in a previously published nonlinear adaptive model of sensory integration in the human postural control system. The model’s dynamics of adaptation were tested in response to abrupt changes in the amplitude of the motion of the visual surround. In addition to qualitatively reproducing the correct asymptotic response to such changes in visual amplitude, as previously found, the model qualitatively reproduced the asymmetric transient response elucidated in recent experiments (Oie et al. in Gait Posture 2005). In particular, the model adapts at an initially rapid rate to a switch from low to high amplitude visual motion, but at an initially slower rate upon the return to low amplitude motion. The observed temporal asymmetry has potential functional value. Rapid downweighting of a visual stimulus that suddenly increases is necessary to prevent loss of upright equilibrium. A visual stimulus that decreases in amplitude does not pose a threat to upright balance, allowing for slower upweighting without functional consequence.
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Carver, S., Kiemel, T. & Jeka, J.J. Modeling the Dynamics of Sensory Reweighting. Biol Cybern 95, 123–134 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-006-0069-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-006-0069-5