We present a parsimonious model of brightness induction which can account for various brightness illusions of both brightness-contrast and brightness-assimilation types. Our model is based on a difference of difference-of-Gaussian filter and a two-pass model of attentive vision based on the parallel channels in the central visual pathway. It overcomes some of the problems that could not be addressed by the well-known oriented difference of Gaussian model like those associated with Mach band and checkerboard illusions. This model attempts to provide insight to the mechanism of attention in brightness perception through the two major complimentary visual channels, viz. the magnocellular and the parvocellular.

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We express our sincere gratitude to Alan Robinson for providing us with the code of his implementation of the ODOG filter (Robinson et al. 2007a, b) whose outputs have been shown above, and with which they compared their own FLODOG filter. Ashish Bakshi would like to thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for providing financial support to him which enabled him to perform this work.
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Bakshi, A., Ghosh, K. A parsimonious model of brightness induction. Biol Cybern 112, 237–251 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-018-0747-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00422-018-0747-0