In many Internet of Things scenarios, a large amount of sensor data is continuously produced and exchanged among devices in smart environments. Handling these data causes great challenges since their processing must occur in a timely manner. Furthermore, the exchanged data must be kept at a minimum in order to efficiently use network resources of constrained devices. Complex event processing (CEP) is an established approach frequently employed to address these challenges. There are many existing means to automatically provision CEP systems, such as Docker or Ansible. However, the resulting instances are generic and need customization to be applied to Internet of Things scenarios. More precisely, data sources and sinks need to be bound and queries need to be defined. This customization is a tedious task when conducted manually. To cope with these issues, we present an approach based on the Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications standard, which enables the customization and provisioning of CEP systems including all required data sources and sinks, as well as queries to process the data.
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This work is funded by the BMWi project SmartOrchestra (01MD16001F).
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Franco da Silva, A.C., Hirmer, P., Breitenbücher, U. et al. Customization and provisioning of complex event processing using TOSCA. Comput Sci Res Dev 33, 317–327 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-017-0386-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-017-0386-z