With the emergence of cloud-native applications, the question arises how existing, often monolithic, applications can be migrated to this new paradigm. The main migration challenges are the decomposition of an application into fine-grained components and the introduction of cloud computing paradigms. With complex existing applications the migration is difficult. A structured and tool-supported approach would facilitate the migration process, which is why this paper proposes a model-driven engineering based approach. As a basis, this paper derives and presents requirements for such an approach from the literature on the one hand and a migration case study on the other. The requirements are specifically targeted at the necessary models, but also consider the overall approach. The necessities for the realization of a model-driven cloud-native migration approach are shown and remaining challenges are discussed.
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Lichtenthäler, R., Prechtl, M., Schwille, C. et al. Requirements for a model-driven cloud-native migration of monolithic web-based applications. SICS Softw.-Inensiv. Cyber-Phys. Syst. 35, 89–100 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-019-00414-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00450-019-00414-9