We present a Hamilton cycle in the k-sided pancake network and four combinatorial algorithms to traverse the cycle. The network’s vertices are coloured permutations \(\pi = p_1p_2\cdots p_n\), where each \(p_i\) has an associated colour in \(\{0,1,\ldots , k{-}1\}\). There is a directed edge \((\pi _1,\pi _2)\) if \(\pi _2\) can be obtained from \(\pi _1\) by a “flip” of length \(\ell \), which reverses the first \(\ell \) elements and increments their colour modulo k. Our particular cycle is created using a greedy min-flip strategy, and the average flip length of the edges we use is bounded by a constant. By reinterpreting the order recursively, we can generate successive coloured permutations in O(1)-amortized time, or each successive flip by a loop-free algorithm. We also show how to compute the successor of any coloured permutation in O(n) time. Our greedy min-flip construction generalizes known Hamilton cycles for the pancake network (where \(k=1\)) and the burnt pancake network (where \(k=2\)). Interestingly, a greedy max-flip strategy works on the pancake and burnt pancake networks, but it does not work on the k-sided network when \(k>2\). In addition to our generation results, we provide ranking and unranking algorithms for our Hamiltion cycle that run in \(O(n^2)\) time, and show that the cycle is globally optimal in terms of minimizing the total number of pancakes that are flipped. Finally, we characterize the Hamiltonicity of k-sided pancake networks with any fixed “spin” s.

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We’d like to thank Torsten Mütze for helpful discussions on the history of the min-flip algorithm for permutations, and its connection to Algorithm J.
The research of Joe Sawada is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant RGPIN-2018-04211.
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An Example Illustrating the Auxiliary Variable for the Loop-Free Generation
The following array (read top to bottom, then left to right) shows how the \(c_i\)’s and \(f_i\)’s evolve for each flip generated by FlipSeq for \(\sigma _{3, 3}\). Each entry corresponds to the flip in the same position in the array to the right of the vertical bar in Example 2. Each entry is a \(2\times 3\) matrix of the form \(\begin{pmatrix} c_1 &{} c_2 &{} c_3 \\ f_1 &{} f_2 &{} f_3 \end{pmatrix} \). Note that \(c_4=0\) except for in the last entry where \(c_4=1\) and \(f_4\) is always equal to 4, so we chose to omit these.

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Cameron, B., Sawada, J., Therese, W. et al. Hamiltonicity of k-Sided Pancake Networks with Fixed-Spin: Efficient Generation, Ranking, and Optimality. Algorithmica 85, 717–744 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-022-01022-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00453-022-01022-x