Let G=(V,E) be an oriented graph whose edges are labelled by the elements of a group Γ and let A⊂V. An A-path is a path whose ends are both in A. The weight of a path P in G is the sum of the group values on forward oriented arcs minus the sum of the backward oriented arcs in P. (If Γ is not abelian, we sum the labels in their order along the path.) We are interested in the maximum number of vertex-disjoint A-paths each of non-zero weight. When A = V this problem is equivalent to the maximum matching problem. The general case also includes Mader's S-paths problem. We prove that for any positive integer k, either there are k vertex-disjoint A-paths each of non-zero weight, or there is a set of at most 2k −2 vertices that meets each of the non-zero A-paths. This result is obtained as a consequence of an exact min-max theorem.
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These results were obtained at a workshop on Structural Graph Theory at the PIMS Institute in Vancouver, Canada. This research was partially conducted during the period the first author served as a Clay Mathematics Institute Long-Term Prize Fellow.
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Chudnovsky, M., Geelen, J., Gerards, B. et al. Packing Non-Zero A-Paths In Group-Labelled Graphs. Combinatorica 26, 521–532 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00493-006-0030-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00493-006-0030-1