Chaos optimization algorithms (COAs) utilize the chaotic map to generate the pseudo-random sequences mapped as the decision variables for global optimization applications. Many existing applications show that COAs escape from the local minima more easily than classical stochastic optimization algorithms. However, the search efficiency of COAs crucially depends on appropriately starting values. In view of the limitation of COAs, a novel mutative-scale pseudo-parallel chaos optimization algorithm (MPCOA) with cross and merging operation is proposed in this paper. Both cross and merging operation can exchange information within population and produce new potential solutions, which are different from those generated by chaotic sequences. In addition, mutative-scale search space is used for elaborate search by continually reducing the search space. Consequently, a good balance between exploration and exploitation can be achieved in the MPCOA. The impacts of different chaotic maps and parallel numbers on the MPCOA are also discussed. Benchmark functions and parameter identification problem are used to test the performance of the MPCOA. Simulation results, compared with other algorithms, show that the MPCOA has good global search capability.

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This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61104088, No. 61203309) and Young Teachers Promotion Program of Hunan University .
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Yuan, X., Dai, X. & Wu, L. A mutative-scale pseudo-parallel chaos optimization algorithm. Soft Comput 19, 1215–1227 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-014-1336-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-014-1336-3