The transformations between multiplicatively and additively reciprocal fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices are dealt with, and formulas for obtaining multiplicative fuzzy priorities from additively reciprocal fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices are proposed in this paper. The formulas are based on the concept of constrained fuzzy arithmetic and preserve the additive reciprocity of pairwise comparisons. Further, the consistency issue is approached in the paper; the consistency check is employed directly in the formulas for obtaining multiplicative fuzzy priorities of objects both from multiplicatively and additively reciprocal fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices. Two definitions of consistency based on transitivity are employed in this paper—the traditional additive/multiplicative transitivity and the weak consistency. However, also several other transitivity conditions are discussed in this context. Finally, the proposed formulas for obtaining multiplicative fuzzy priorities from an additively reciprocal fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix and the formulas with employed consistency check are applied in an illustrative example. Triangular fuzzy numbers are used for the fuzzy extension in this paper. However, all the formulas can be modified easily to be applied on intervals, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers or any other fuzzy numbers given by \(\alpha \)-cuts.
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Krejčí, J. Additively reciprocal fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices and multiplicative fuzzy priorities. Soft Comput 21, 3177–3192 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-015-2000-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-015-2000-2