An adaptive iterative learning controller (ILC) is designed for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems based on data driving control (DDC) scheme and adaptive networks called fuzzy rules emulated network (FREN). The proposed control law is derived by using DDC scheme with a compact form dynamic linearization for iterative systems. The pseudo-partial derivative of linearization model is estimated by the proposed tuning algorithm and FREN established by human knowledge of controlled plants within the format of IF–THEN rules related on input–output data set. An on-line learning algorithm is proposed to compensate unknown nonlinear terms of controlled plant, and the controller allows to change desired trajectories for other iterations. The performance of control scheme is verified by theoretical analysis under reasonable assumptions which can be held for a general class of practical controlled plants. The experimental system is constructed by a commercial DC motor current control to confirm the effectiveness and applicability. The comparison results are addressed with a general ILC scheme based on DDC.

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The author gratefully acknowledges the contributions of CINVESTAV-IPN’s research Grant 2013–2014 and Mexican Research Organization CONACyT Grant # 257253.
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1.1 Proof of Lemma 2
Recall the relation (39); thus, it is clear that the sequence is a convergence sequence if and only if
Let us rearrange (42); thus, it can be obtained
A constant \(\mu \) is small positive and \(|\varphi (i-1,k)|\le l_b\); thus, the relation (43) can be rewritten as
By using the result in (32), both relations (44) and (40) are clearly identical. \(\square \)
1.2 Proof of Lemma 3
Let us recall (39) as \(|\tilde{\varTheta }(i,k)|^2\) and subtract with \(|\tilde{\varTheta }(i-1,k)|^2\) on both sides of equation; thus, we obtain
To simplify \(\varphi (k)\) denotes as \(\varphi (i-1,k)\). By using one step back iteration, the relation (36) can be rewritten as
Substitute (46) into (45); thus, it can be obtained
Regarding (20), it is clear that \(e_p(i,k)=e_u(i-1,k)\); thus, the relation in (47) can be rewritten as
Summing (48) for \(i=1\) to any i, we obtain
It is clear that \(\Big [\eta \varphi (k)\frac{e_p^2(j,k)}{\mu +e^2_p(j,k)}-2\Big ]<0\) when \(\eta \) given by (40) and \(|\tilde{\varTheta }(0,k)|^2\) is bounded but \(|\tilde{\varTheta }(i,k)|^2\) must be nonnegative; thus, it leads to
It implies that
Regarding the definition of error \(e_p\), the relation (20) can be reformulated as
Generally, the reference signal r has been bounded as \(|r(k)|\le l_r\) for all k; thus, the error in (52) can be obtained as
According to the result in (53) and the convergence in (49), it implies that the asymptotic convergence of e(i, k) for the long run of iteration number can be obtained as
over the finite sampling time interval as \(k=\{1,2, \ldots , k_{\mathrm {max}}\}\). \(\square \)
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Treesatayapun, C. Adaptive iterative learning control based on IF–THEN rules and data-driven scheme for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems. Soft Comput 22, 487–497 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-016-2349-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-016-2349-x