Nowadays, the worldwide Internet diffusion has made sharing information a piece of cake. This leads to the problem of protecting this huge amount of information (private data, commercial or strategic information) from those not authorized. A way for protecting it is the adoption of intrusion detection systems, which reveal whether an attacker is violating an information system. In this work, an algorithm for identifying anomalies on network traffic has been studied and developed. This is based on the unsupervised fitting of a set of network data by means of finite Gaussian mixtures models. Its key feature is the online selection of the number of mixture components together with the fitting parameter of each component. The best compromise between the description accuracy (many components) and the computational complexity (few components) is given by a derivation of the minimum message length criterion. The normal network behavior is assumed to be interpreted by the cluster with the highest covariance matrix, while the other smaller components are considered representing anomalies. We tested our technique with the well-known KDD99 Cup data set, in order to clearly compare our findings with the ones presenting the state of the art. Our results show the effectiveness of this approach, while encouraging for further improvements.
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Greggio, N. Anomaly Detection in IDSs by means of unsupervised greedy learning of finite mixture models. Soft Comput 22, 3357–3372 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-017-2581-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-017-2581-z