In this paper, we propose a method of phishing website detection that utilizes a meta-heuristic-based nonlinear regression algorithm together with a feature selection approach. In order to validate the proposed method, we used a dataset comprised of 11055 phishing and legitimate webpages, and select 20 features to be extracted from the mentioned websites. This research utilizes two feature selection methods: decision tree and wrapper to select the best feature subset, while the latter incurred the detection accuracy rate as high as 96.32%. After the feature selection process, two meta-heuristic algorithms are successfully implemented to predict and detect the fraudulent websites: harmony search (HS) which was deployed based on nonlinear regression technique and support vector machine (SVM). The nonlinear regression approach was used to classify the websites, where the parameters of the proposed regression model were obtained using HS algorithm. The proposed HS algorithm uses dynamic pitch adjustment rate and generated new harmony. The nonlinear regression based on HS led to accuracy rates of 94.13 and 92.80% for train and test processes, respectively. As a result, the study finds that the nonlinear regression-based HS results in better performance compared to SVM.

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Babagoli, M., Aghababa, M.P. & Solouk, V. Heuristic nonlinear regression strategy for detecting phishing websites. Soft Comput 23, 4315–4327 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3084-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3084-2