This article discusses the giant system effectiveness evaluation (GSEE) problem with inevitable correlation in indicator systems due to their high specificity and complexity and proposes a hybrid method that is then applied to the naval formation decision-making process in multiple scenarios. The indicator correlation in a large-scale system will generate bias in its evaluation of effectiveness; the proposal that the lower the correlation is, the better the performance of the evidential reasoning approach (ERA) has been proven mathematically. In light of this proposition, a corollary was put forward: Fewer indicators would improve the precision of the result of the ERA application when considering the correlation. Considering that the giant system can be split into respective subsystems, which can then be analyzed by experts in their own fields, a hybrid method was developed for the GSEE problem based on the ERA and prospect theory. The core of the method is the construction of a nonlinear optimization model (NOM) aimed at minimizing the correlation and maximizing the evaluation ability of the prospect value of the indicator system. By constraint, the NOM also includes the optimized weight value of each indicator. For demonstration purposes, a naval formation operation effectiveness evaluation (NFOEE) was performed to assess the feasibility of the proposed method and the NOM. The results show that the proposed method can solve the NFOEE effectively and allow the decision maker to obtain useful information for naval formation-type decisions in multiple scenarios. Furthermore, the evaluation method is a general tool that can be applied to other GSEE problems.
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The authors are very grateful to the anonymous reviewers and editor for their very valuable comments and suggestions, which were greatly helpful in revising the manuscript. This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFC0805309) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Logistics Research Institute, Dalian Maritime University Grant No. 3132019303).
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Appendix: Nomenclature in tables
Appendix: Nomenclature in tables
EB | Evaluation objective | SSC | Saturation strike capability |
OE | Operation effectiveness | SMC | Strike means completeness |
FGEI | First-grade evaluation indicator | IntR | Interference ratio |
SGEI | Second-grade evaluation indicator | IntD | Interference distance |
TGEI | Third-grade evaluation indicator | IntT | Interference time |
AC | Attack capability | EDR | Equipment damage rate |
DetC | Detection capability | NumE | Number of equipment |
DefC | Defense capability | Adv | Advancement |
InfC | Information capability | DetCo | Detection coverage |
SupC | Support capability | Rel | Reliability |
ManC | Maneuvering capability | TraC | Trace capability |
FAC | Firepower attack capability | ResP | Resolving power |
ECM | Electronic countermeasure | DPT | Defense preparation time |
DE | Detection equipment | SucR | Success rate |
ADC | Active detection capability | DOD | Distance of defense |
PDC | Passive detection capability | AAIC | Antiactive interference capability |
AAC | Antifire power attack capability | APIC | Antipassive interference capability |
AIC | Antielectronic interference capability | Tim | Timeliness |
ISC | Information sharing capability | Val | Validity |
IMC | Information management capability | Sat | Safety |
DSC | Decision support capability | MPC | Maximum processing capacity |
MaiC | Maintenance capability | SGT | Scheme generation time |
RepC | Replenishment capability | SAR | Scheme adoption rate |
HeaS | Health support | MainL | Maintenance level |
VesT | Vessel tonnage | MainR | Maintenance rate |
ManS | Maneuvering speed | RepCY | Replenishment cycle |
TTSA | Take off time of shipboard aircraft | Con | Convenience |
ACC | Accuracy | BFR | The battle field rescue |
HeaC | Health care | Scen | Scenario |
Eff | Effectiveness | Unc | Uncertainty |
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Xu, X., Xie, X., Zhang, B. et al. A hybrid method for evaluating the effectiveness of giant systems with indicator correlations: an application for naval formation decision making in multiple scenarios. Soft Comput 24, 4295–4306 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-019-04194-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-019-04194-x