Al 6061 because of its high strength, lightweight and good corrosion resistance is being widely used in aerospace industry. Regenerative chatter is an unavoidable phenomenon often encountered during machining of this aluminum alloy. In the present work, a methodology has been proposed in order to extract tool chatter features during turning operation. Chatter signals generated during the turning of Al 6061 have been acquired using a microphone. The recorded signals have been processed using local mean decomposition. The decomposed signals have been analyzed using different statistical indicators considering Nakagami distribution approach for ascertaining the thresholds of chatter severity. Prediction models of most effective statistical indicator have been developed using artificial neural network to ascertain safe range of cutting parameters. From the analysis and validation experiments, it has been inferred that the obtained safe cutting zone is significant and capable of limiting the chatter.

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Gupta, P., Singh, B. Investigation of tool chatter using local mean decomposition and artificial neural network during turning of Al 6061. Soft Comput 25, 11151–11174 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-05869-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-05869-0