In this paper, a new U-shaped assembly line balancing problem is studied. For the first time, the criteria such as equipment cost, number of stations and activity performing quality level are considered to be optimized simultaneously by activity to station and worker to station decisions. For this aim, a multi-objective nonlinear formulation is proposed and its linearized version is also presented. Since, according to the literature, the U-shaped assembly line balancing problem with equipment requirements is an NP-hard problem, the problem of this study is NP-hard too. Because of this complexity, the classical algorithms like simulated annealing, variable neighborhood search, and classical genetic algorithm with a novel encoding/decoding scheme are used as solution approaches. As an extension, two hybrid versions of the proposed classical algorithms are proposed according to the characteristics of the problem. In order to evaluate the proposed meta-heuristics, because the problem is new, some test problems are generated randomly. Computational study of the paper, including sensitivity analysis of the proposed meta-heuristics and final experiments on the test problems, proves the superiority of the hybrid versions of the classical algorithms.

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Khorram, M., Eghtesadifard, M. & Niroomand, S. Hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for U-shaped assembly line balancing problem with equipment and worker allocations. Soft Comput 26, 2241–2258 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-06472-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-06472-z