In this paper, we consider a more comprehensive entropy measure for linguistic mass function, which is called evidential global linguistic terms entropy (EGLTE). This proposed new entropy considers the uncertainty caused by the linguistic terms as well as the mass function, and uses a discount rate to express their weight in the final uncertainty. The discount rate is determined by the unambiguity degree of the linguistic set. With a fixed discount rate, the situation when the evidential global linguistic terms entropy (EGLTE) reaches its maximum is also discussed in our paper. Some numerical examples and its application in multiple attribute decision making about determining objective weights are given to illustrate the accuracy and utility of the proposed entropy measure.

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Su, J., Deng, Y. & Huynh, NV. Evidential global linguistic terms entropy. Soft Comput 27, 227–237 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-022-07580-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-022-07580-0