A unique hybrid meta-heuristic combining the salp swarm algorithm and the sine cosine algorithm (SSCA) is established in this study to improve convergence speed while outperforming existing conventional algorithms. The sine cosine position equations are utilized to update the position of the salp leader in search space while a weighting factor updates the position of the salp follower so that the best and possible optimal solutions are obtained using the sine or cosine and weighting function. Particle swarm optimization PSO inspires this weighting factor. Each salp uses the information-sharing approach of sine and cosine functions during this process to strengthen their exploration and exploitation abilities. The goal of incorporating modifications to the salp swarm optimizer algorithm is to help the standard approach avoid premature convergence that leads the search to the most likely search space. The proposed algorithm is tested on classical optimization benchmark functions and eight real engineering applications. The goal is to investigate and validate the SSCA's proper behaviour while finding the optimum solutions. The results of the comparison demonstrated that the SSCA method achieves the best accuracies.

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Chauhan, S., Vashishtha, G., Abualigah, L. et al. Boosting salp swarm algorithm by opposition-based learning concept and sine cosine algorithm for engineering design problems. Soft Comput 27, 18775–18802 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-09147-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-09147-z