This paper summarizes the main characteristics of and differences between the influence of mechanical and laser cutting on the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets. Quasi-static measurements as well as measurements at higher frequencies (50 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz) are reported on three different ferromagnetic materials commonly used in electric machines. Subsequently, a method to consider the effect of cutting in the modeling process is reviewed. This method is based on measurement data obtained by the standardized, wide-spread and fast-to-perform Epstein frame method, eliminates the need of knowing the exact deterioration depth and is applicable to different cutting techniques.

In the case of laser cutting, the material is cut by the laser beam itself that is controlled by the laser setting. Hence, this technique does not use a cutting tool that is in direct contact with the cut edge and wears out and/or becomes blunt, as in the case of mechanical cutting. Thus, in contrast to mechanical cutting, no sharpening of the tool after a given number of punching steps or any removal of increasing burrs is required.
Gap between the upper and lower knife (mechanical cutting).
The width of one “wide” strip must be a multiple of one “narrow” sample strip.
The indice ‘1’ refers to the first measured sample set, the indice ‘2’ to the second measured sample set.
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Bali, M., Muetze, A. The influence of cutting on the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets and its modeling in electric machine design. Elektrotech. Inftech. 134, 185–190 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00502-017-0495-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00502-017-0495-1