Concurrency control is the activity of synchronizing operations issued by concurrent executing transactions on a shared database. The aim of this control is to provide an execution that has the same effect as a serial (non-interleaved) one. The optimistic concurrency control technique allows the transactions to execute without synchronization, relying on commit-time validation to ensure serializability. Effectiveness of the optimistic techniques depends on the conflict rate of transactions. Since different systems have various patterns of conflict and the patterns may also change over time, so applying the optimistic scheme to the entire system results in degradation of performance. In this paper, a novel algorithm is proposed that dynamically selects the optimistic or pessimistic approach based on the value of conflict rate. The proposed algorithm uses an adaptive resonance theory–based neural network in making decision for granting a lock or detection of the winner transaction. In addition, the parameters of this neural network are optimized by a modified gravitational search algorithm. On the other hand, in the real operational environments we know the writeset (WS) and readset (RS) only for a fraction of transactions set before execution. So, the proposed algorithm is designed based on optional knowledge about WS and RS of transactions. Experimental results show that the proposed hybrid concurrency control algorithm results in more than 35 % reduction in the number of aborts in high-transaction rates as compared to strict two-phase locking algorithm that is used in many commercial database systems. This improvement is 13 % as compared to pure-pessimistic approach and is more than 31 % as compared to pure-optimistic approach.

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Appendix A: transaction states in HCC algorithm
Ready state:
The transaction is in the queue of ready for execution.
Waiting state:
The transaction is waiting for the termination of another transaction.
Commit state:
The execution of transaction is successfully finished, and its effect on the database has become permanent.
Commit_Blocked (CB) state:
If the execution of transaction T has been finished and the old versions of objects (that have been written by T) have been read by other transactions, then T should wait until all of the corresponding transactions that read the old version are finished and it will then commit. In such a situation, the state of T changes to CB. In order to guarantee the serializability, if the execution of a transaction is successfully finished, then the commitment of that transaction is not performed. In this situation, the transaction waits for other transactions to finish. Since the transaction certainly commits in this situation, the other transactions can read the objects that have been written by this transaction. Obviously, the transactions which read the value of objects, written by a transaction in CB state, should be committed after the writer transaction commits.
Command_Finished (CF) state:
If the transaction T has read some objects, written by the uncommitted transactions, then it cannot commit at the end of command execution. In this case, the transaction is changed to CF state. It should be noted that committing of a transaction in CB state is guaranteed, but in CF state, the result is dependent on other transactions. The state transition diagram of transactions is shown in Fig. 4.
Appendix B: basic procedures in HCC algorithm
Read command procedure:
If the transaction T1 wants to read the object O1, and O1 has two versions, then transaction T2 would be the writer of new version. The procedure of “Read command” is shown in Fig. 5. For more details about this procedure, refer to [87]. In all conditions that the intersection of RS and WS are checked (Boxes 2, 10, 15, and 21 in Fig. 5), the result will be “YES”, “NO” or “RS & WS are unknown”. In the absence of WS/RS information, based on the value of E and threshold (Th), the algorithm selects optimistic or pessimistic approach (Boxes A1–A4 in Fig. 5).
If the decision making by the HCC based on HF is not possible (because of the limitation enforced by RS and WS), then it will make another decision based on RS and WS information. RS and WS information either approves or rejects the decision made using HF; otherwise, it is neutral (if RS and WS are unknown) and selection of the optimistic or pessimistic approach determines the result. If WS and RS information rejects this decision, it will not be executed. In fact, despite of selecting the old or new version using HF, if RS and WS information rejects this selection, the proposed HCC algorithm will try to read another version.
Write command procedure:
It is assumed that if the object has two versions, then T2 is the writer of a new version. The flowchart of this procedure is given in [87].
Deadlock detection:
If T1 is to be added to “list B” of T2 in the first invocation, the deadlock detection procedure will be called as Have Deadlock(T1(A), T2(B)). For more details about this procedure, refer to [87].
Commit and Abort:
In the commit command, all the locks acquired by this transaction are released, and the old version of object that has a new version generated by this transaction is overwritten by the new version, and the new version is discarded. The Type parameter does not exist in signals that have been sent to “list A” members, since just in the abort of one transaction, the signal is sent to “list A” members of that transaction. For more details about these procedures, refer to [87].
Receiving signal from a transaction in list:
T1 receives signal from one of the “list A” members, for example from T2. Signal type can be SW, HW, Abort or Commit. The format of this function is as Receives Signal(Sender_Id, Signal Type). The flowchart of this procedure is given in [87].
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Sheikhan, M., Ahmadluei, S. An intelligent hybrid optimistic/pessimistic concurrency control algorithm for centralized database systems using modified GSA-optimized ART neural model. Neural Comput & Applic 23, 1815–1829 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-012-1147-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-012-1147-3