The paper presents a modeling method about the energy consumption of aluminum electrolysis process based on a new neural network. The proposed neural network (NN) is built by combining two theories of unscented Kalman filtering (UKF) and strong tracking filtering (STF), which is shortened as STUKFNN in this study. Moreover, the new training algorithm and robustness analysis of the STUKFNN are presented. The final section of the paper shows an illustrative example regarding the application of the new training algorithm to estimate the technical energy consumption of the aluminum electrolysis process, compared with the modeling methods of back-propagation neural network (BPNN), extended Kalman filtering neural network (EKFNN) and unscented Kalman filtering neural network (UKFNN). The analysis and results show that the method improves the real-time tracking ability of dynamic interference in aluminum electrolysis process, and the accuracy of STUKFNN is better than the other three modeling methods. The average indicators MAE, MSE, R of the STUKFNN based on 30 runs are 15.4793, 1862.65 and 0.9966, respectively, which are all superior to other methods. The proposed method also shows better performance compared with UKFNN, EKFNN and BPNN by the proportion of relative error (RE) in the interval \(|{\mathrm{RE}}|<0.1\%\) based on all samples, 76, 38, 22 and 74%, respectively.

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- h :
The output layer function
- \(v_k\) :
The residual series
- n :
The dimension of state vector
- g(x):
The logistic sigmoid function
- \(\chi\) :
The sigma points
- \(W_{ij}\) :
The weight values
- \(S_k\) :
Sub-optimal fading factor
- \(\varepsilon\) :
Softening factor
- \(\rho\) :
Fading factor
- \(\delta\) :
The Kronecker \(\delta\)-function
- \(\gamma\) :
Hidden layers’ outputs
- \(K_k\) :
The filter gain
- MAE:
Mean absolute error
- MSE:
Mean square error
- R :
Correlation coefficient
- \(\hat{y}\) :
The predictive output
- \(\tau\) :
The current efficiency
- \(\lambda\) :
The spread of the sampling points
- \(\hat{{\varvec{x}}}\) :
State vector
- \({\varvec{P}}\) :
State covariance
- \({\varvec{Q}}\) :
The covariance of the process noise
- \({\varvec{R}}\) :
The covariance of the measurement noise
- EKF:
Extended Kalman filtering
- UKF:
Unscented Kalman filtering
- STF:
Strong tracking filtering
- FNN:
Feed-forward neural network
Back-propagation neural network
Extended Kalman filtering neural network
Unscented Kalman filtering neural network
- RE:
Relative error
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This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 51374268, 51375520), Research Foundation of Chongqing University of Science & Technology (CK2015 Z26), Scientific and Technological Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission (KJ1401301), the Achievement Transfer Program of Institutions of Higher Education in Chongqing under Grant (KJZH14218) and Chongqing Research Program of Basic Research and Frontier Technology under Grants (cstc2017jcyjAX0063, cstc2015jcyjBX0099).
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Yao, L., Li, T., Li, Y. et al. An improved feed-forward neural network based on UKF and strong tracking filtering to establish energy consumption model for aluminum electrolysis process. Neural Comput & Applic 31, 4271–4285 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3357-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3357-9