This paper investigates the stability of impulsive neural networks with time delays. Based on a new tool called as uniformly exponentially convergent functions, an improved Razumikhin method leads to new, more permissive stability results. By comparison with the existing results, the rigorous restrictions on impulses, which are presented in the previous Razumikhin stability theorems, are removed. Moreover, the obtained results do not restrict that the time derivative of Lyapunov function is negative definite or positive definite under the Razumikhin condition. The effectiveness of the proposed results is demonstrated by three simple numerical examples.

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This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61503052, 61573075, 11647097, 61603065 and 61503050), National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFB0100904), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2017M612911), Research Foundation of the Natural Foundation of Chongqing City (Grant No. cstc2016jcyjA0076), Scientific and Technological Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission (Grant Nos. KJ1600928 and KJ1600923) and Young Fund of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant Nos. 16JDSZ2019, 16YJC870018, 16YJC860010 and 15YJC790061).
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Proof of Lemma 1
Necessity If z(t) is a UECF, there exist two positive constants \(M\ge 1\) and \(\varepsilon >0\) such that
Namely, \(\prod _{t<t_i \le t+\theta } \gamma _i {\text {e}}^{\int _t^{t+\theta }\mu (s){\text {d}}s} \le M {\text {e}}^{-\varepsilon \theta }\). Therefore, one can choose \(\hat{T}(c)=-\frac{1}{\varepsilon } \ln \dfrac{c}{M}\), \(d=M\), and then (7) holds.
Sufficiency For any \(t^{**}\ge t^* \ge t_0\), there must exist some integer \(l\ge 0\) such that \(t^{**}=t^*+lT+\theta\), where \(\theta \in [0,T)\). Then, one has
When \(l=0\), it follows from (41) that
When \(l\ge 1\), one can obtain from (41),
Denote \(M_0=\dfrac{d}{c}\) and \(\varepsilon _0=-\dfrac{\ln c}{T}\). Based on (42) and (43), one obtain \(z(t^{**})\le M_0 z(t^*) {\text {e}}^{-\varepsilon _0 (t^{**}-t^*)}\), which implies that z(t) is a UECF.
Proof of Lemma 2
If for any \(u\in [t-T,t]\), \(y_1(u)\ge \psi (w(u))\) holds. Then, one obtains
If \(y_1(u)\ge \psi (w(u))\) is not satisfied for all \(u \in [t-T,t]\), there must exist some \(t^*= \sup \{u\in [t-T,t]:y_1(u)<\psi (w(u))\}\). When \(t^*=t\), one derives
When \(t^*<t\), one knows that \(y_1(\bar{s})\ge \psi (w(\bar{s}))\), \(\bar{s} \in [t^*,t]\). Therefore, one otains
Proof of Theorem 1
Let \(v(t)=V(t,x(t))\), \(w(t)=\sup _{s \in [-\bar{\tau },0]}V(t+s,x(t+s))\), \(\psi (w)=q^{-1}(w)\). Then, based on the conditions of Theorem 1 and Lemma 2, one obtains
where \(\eta _z(t)=\prod _{t-T < t_i \le t} \gamma _i {\text {e}}^{\int _{t-T}^t \mu (s)}{\text {d}}s\), \(\bar{T}=T+\bar{\tau }\). Because \(T \in \Xi _z\), one can see that there exists some \(\varrho \in (0,1)\) such that \(\eta _z(t)\le \varrho\), \(t\ge t_0+T\). Denote \(\bar{\rho }=\max \{ \rho , \varrho \}\), one has
By Lemma 3, the above inequality implies that
where \(t^*=t_0+T\). It follows from Condition (i) and inequality (49) that
where \(\Vert x(t^*)\Vert _{\bar{T}} = \sup _{-\bar{T}\le \zeta \le 0} \Vert x(t^*+\zeta )\Vert\). This indicates that the neural network (1) is globally exponentially stable.
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Liu, C., Liu, X., Yang, H. et al. New stability results for impulsive neural networks with time delays. Neural Comput & Applic 31, 6575–6586 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3481-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3481-6