This paper proposes an improved social spider optimization (ISSO) for achieving different objectives of optimal reactive power dispatch (ORPD). The proposed ISSO method is developed by applying two modifications on new solution generation process. The proposed method uses only one modified equation for producing the first new solution generation and the second new solution generation while the standard SSO uses two equations for each process. The improvement in the proposed method is confirmed by solving benchmark optimization functions, IEEE 30-bus system and IEEE 118-bus system. Obtained results from ISSO are compared to those from other existing methods available in other studies together with other popular and state-of-the-art methods, which are implemented in the work. As compared to standard SSO for application to ORPD problem, ISSO can reduce the number of computation steps and one control parameter, and shorten simulation time. About the result comparisons with SSO and other remaining methods, ISSO can find more favorable solutions with higher quality and ISSO can stabilize solution search function with approximately all trial runs finding lower value of fitness. Furthermore, the strong search ability of ISSO is also indicated because it uses less value for control parameters. As a result, the proposed ISSO method can be a very effective optimization tool for dealing with the ORPD problem.

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- HI:
The highest iteration
- N bus :
Number of buses in the considered power system
- N c :
Number of VAR compensator buses
- Nfs, Nms :
Number of females and males, respectively
- N G :
Number of generator buses
- N line :
Number of transmission lines
- N load :
Number of load buses in the considered power system
- N pop :
Population size or the sum of males and females
- N t :
Number of buses with transformer
- Pdi, Qdi :
Real and reactive power required by load of bus i
- P m :
Movement probability of female spiders
- Q ci :
Reactive power generation of VAR compensator of bus i
- Qci,min, Qci,max :
Lower and upper limitations of reactive power generation of VAR compensator at bus i
- QGi,min, QGi,max :
Lower and upper limitations of reactive power generation of generator at bus i, respectively
- RNf :
Random number within 0 and 1 for female spider f
- S l,max :
Maximum apparent power flow of line l
- Ti,min, Ti,max :
Lower and upper limitations of tap changer of transformer at bus i
- VGi,min, VGi,max :
Lower and upper limitations of voltage magnitude of generator at bus i, respectively
- Vi, Vj :
Voltage magnitude of buses i and j
- Vloadi,min, Vloadi,max :
Lower and upper limitations of voltage magnitude of the load at bus i, respectively
- X fs,f :
Position of female spider f corresponding to a solution
- X Gbest :
Position of the best spider corresponding to the best solution
- X ms,m :
Position of male spider m corresponding to a solution
Artificial bee colony algorithm
- ACO:
Ant colony optimization
- AGA:
Adaptive genetic algorithm
- ALO:
Ant lion optimizer
Adaptive selective cuckoo search algorithm
- BA:
Bat algorithm
Big bang–big crunch algorithm
Bare-bones differential evolution
Bare-bones particle swarm optimization
- BOFs:
Benchmark optimization functions
Binary real-coded firefly algorithm
Backtracking search algorithm
Hybrid chaotic artificial bee colony differential evolution
Chaotic krill herd algorithm
Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization
- COA:
Coyote optimization algorithm
- CSA:
Cuckoo search algorithm
Charged system search algorithm
- DE:
Differential evolution
- DE–AS:
Differential evolution and ant system
- DPM:
Dynamic programming method
- DSA:
Differential search algorithm
- EMA:
Exchange market algorithm
- EP:
Evolution programming
- FA:
Firefly algorithm
- FPA:
Flower pollination algorithm
Gaussian bare-bones water cycle algorithm
Gaussian bare-bones teaching learning-based optimization
- GSA:
Gravitational search algorithm
Gravitational search algorithm with original selection
Gravitational search algorithm with new constraint handling method
- GWO:
Gray wolf optimizer
Particle swarm optimization with inertia weight
Hybrid Nelder–Mead simplex-based firefly algorithm
Hybrid stochastic fractal search and variable neighborhood search
Hybrid imperialist competitive algorithm and tabu search
Hybrid interior search algorithm and genetic algorithm
Hybrid Keshtel algorithm and genetic algorithm
Hybrid Keshtel algorithm and simulated annealing
Hybrid loop genetic algorithm
- HMA:
Hybrid metaheuristic algorithm
Hybrid multi-agent particle swarm optimization
Hybrid particle swarm optimization and imperialist competitive technique method
Hybrid particle swarm optimization and tabu search
Hybrid red deer algorithm and simulated annealing
- HSA:
Harmony search algorithm
Hybrid stochastic fractal search and simulated annealing
Hybrid salp swarm algorithm and simulated annealing
Hybrid whale optimization algorithm and particle swarm optimization
Hybrid water wave optimizer and genetic algorithm
Improved colliding bodies optimization
- IDA:
Improved deterministic algorithm
- IMA:
Improved metaheuristic algorithm
Improved pseudo-gradient search-particle swarm optimization
- IPM:
Interior point method
- IQP:
Improved quadratic programming
- ISA:
Interior search algorithm
Improved social spider optimization
- JA:
Jaya algorithm
- KA:
Keshtel algorithm
- LCA:
League championship algorithm
Particle swarm optimization with linearly decreasing inertia weight
- LPM:
Linear programming approach
- MDE:
Modified differential evolution
- MFO:
Moth flame optimization
Mixed-integer linear programming
- MNM:
Modified Newton method
Multi-objective red deer algorithm
Modified particle swarm optimization
Modified salp swarm algorithm
Modified social spider optimization
Modified teaching learning technique and double differential evolution algorithm
Shuffled frog leaping algorithm and Nelder–Mead
One rank cuckoo search algorithm
Particle swarm optimization with pseudo-gradient search
Particle swarm optimization with stochastic weight trade-off and pseudo-gradient search
- PSO:
Particle swarm optimization
Particle swarm optimization with an aging leader and challengers
Particle swarm optimization with constriction factor
Particle swarm optimization with graph theory
Particle swarm optimization with time-varying acceleration coefficients
Particle swarm optimization with time-varying inertia weight
Quasi-oppositional differential evolution
Quasi-oppositional teaching learning-based optimization
Real-coded genetic algorithm
- RDA:
Red deer algorithm
Genetic algorithm with rank selection technique
Self-adaptive real-coded genetic algorithm
- SEO:
Social engineering optimizer
Sunflower optimization algorithm
- SFS:
Stochastic fractal search
- SGA:
Specialized genetic algorithm
Particle swarm optimization with time-varying acceleration coefficients
Particle swarm optimization with self-organization and time-varying acceleration coefficients
- SSA:
Salp swarm algorithm
- SSO:
Social spider optimization
Particle swarm optimization with stochastic weight trade-off
Time-varying acceleration coefficients
- WOA:
Whale optimization algorithm
- WWO:
Water wave optimizer
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Nguyen, T.T., Vo, D.N. Improved social spider optimization algorithm for optimal reactive power dispatch problem with different objectives. Neural Comput & Applic 32, 5919–5950 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04073-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04073-4