We present a new self-organized neural model that we term resilient self-organizing tissue (ReST), which can be run as a convolutional neural network, possesses a \(c^\infty \) energy function as well as a probabilistic interpretation of neural activities. The latter arises from the constraint of lognormal activity distribution over time that is enforced during ReST learning. The principal message of this article is that self-organized models in general are, due to their localized learning rule that updates only those units close to the best-matching unit, ideal representation learners for incremental learning architectures. We present such an architecture that uses ReST layers as a building block, benchmark its performance w.r.t. incremental learning in three real-world visual classification problems, and justify the mechanisms implemented in the architecture by dedicated experiments.

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Figures 11, 12 and 13 give a detailed comparison of all neural activities in a ReST layer with and without self-adaptation. This is a complement to the experiments in Sect. 3.2 which was shifted to the appendix for reasons of readability.
Effects of self-adaptation on hidden layer ReST activities for the pose classification task (“poses”). Self-adaptation is enabled in the upper and disabled in the lower diagram. Each diagram includes an activity histogram for every ReST neuron, giving \(10\times 10=100\) histograms. The interpretation of individual is identical to the one in Fig. 5. In particular, the targeted lognormal distribution is superimposed as a solid green line (color figure online)
Effects of self-adaptation on hidden layer ReST activities for the pedestrian detection task (“peddet”). Self-adaptation is enabled in the upper and disabled in the lower diagram. Each diagram includes an activity histogram for every ReST neuron, giving \(10\times 10=100\) histograms. The interpretation of individual is identical to the one in Fig. 5. In particular, the targeted lognormal distribution is superimposed as a solid green line (color figure online)
Effects of self-adaptation on hidden layer ReST activities for MNIST. Self-adaptation is enabled in the upper and disabled in the lower diagram. Each diagram includes an activity histogram for every ReST neuron, giving \(10\times 10=100\) histograms. The interpretation of individual is identical to the one in Fig. 5. In particular, the targeted lognormal distribution is superimposed as a solid green line (color figure online)
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Gepperth, A. Incremental learning with a homeostatic self-organizing neural model. Neural Comput & Applic 32, 18101–18121 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04112-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04112-0