Support vector machine (SVM) is a widely used and reliable machine learning algorithm. It has been successfully applied to many real-world problems, with remarkable results. However, it has also been observed that SVM computational complexity increases with the increase in data size. Although many SVM speed optimization techniques have been proposed in the literature, there is still need for further improvement on the performance speed and accuracy of this algorithm. In this paper, a boundary detection algorithm for SVM speed optimization called ant colony optimization instance selection algorithm (ACOISA) is proposed. ACOISA is inspired by edge selection in ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm, and it performs two primary functions: boundary detection and boundary instance selection. In the algorithm, ACO is used for boundary detection and k-nearest neighbor algorithm is used for boundary instance selection. Different sets of experiments are carried out to validate the efficiency of the proposed technique. All the experiments were performed on 35 datasets containing three well-known e-fraud types (credit card fraud, email spam and phishing email) and 31 other datasets available at UCI data repository. The experimental results showed that the proposed technique efficiently improved SVM training speed in 100% of the datasets used for evaluation, without significantly affecting SVM classification quality. Furthermore, the Freidman’s and Holm’s post hoc tests were conducted to statistically validate the credibility of the results. The statistical test results revealed that the proposed technique is significantly faster, compared to the standard SVM and some existing instance selection techniques, in all cases.

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- D :
- \( {\text{dist}}\left[ {a,b} \right] \) :
Distance between two data instances (instances a and b)
- E :
- HV:
Heuristic value
- K :
Number of k-nearest neighbors
- MaxG:
Maximum generation
- N :
Size of the entire training set
- NL:
Neighborhood list
- NR:
Neighborhood range
- NRuns:
Number of runs for SVM cross-validation
- NSub:
Size of training subset
- \( T_{\text{s}} \) :
Training subset
- ABC:
Artificial bee colony
- Accr.:
- ACO:
Ant colony optimization
Ant colony optimization instance selection algorithm
- AFP:
Accelerated flower pollination
- ALO:
Antlion optimization
- ANN:
Artificial neural network
- BA:
Bat algorithm
Binary particle swarm optimization
- CSA:
Clonal selection algorithm
- DBC:
Directed bee colony
- DT:
Decision tree
- EA:
Evolutionary algorithm
- ELM:
Extreme learning machine
Fast condensed nearest neighbor
- FFA:
Firefly algorithm
- FN:
False negative
- FP:
False positive
- FPA:
Flower pollination algorithm
- GOA:
Grasshopper optimization algorithm
- GWO:
Gray wolf optimization
- IG:
Information gain
Instance selection based on dense spatial partitions
- IWD:
Intelligent water drop
- k-NN:
k-nearest neighbor
Local density-based instance selection
Local set border selector
Local set-based centroid selector
Local set-based smoother
Multi-objective cross-generational elitist selection, heterogeneous recombination and cataclysmic mutation
Master river Multiple Creeks Intelligent Water Drops
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
- PSO:
Particle swarm optimization
- RBF:
Radial basic function
- SSA:
Social spider algorithm
- Stor.:
Storage reduction
- UCI:
University of California Irvine
- VQN:
Vaguely quantified nearest
Extended local density-based instance selection
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Akinyelu, A.A., Ezugwu, A.E. & Adewumi, A.O. Ant colony optimization edge selection for support vector machine speed optimization. Neural Comput & Applic 32, 11385–11417 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04633-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04633-8