Video summarization is the process of refining the original video into a more concise form without losing valuable information. Both efficient storage and extraction of valuable information from a video are the challenging tasks in video analysis. Intelligent video surveillance system has an essential role for ensuring safety and security to the public. Recent intelligent technologies are extensively using the surveillance systems in all areas starting from border security application to street monitoring systems. Now the surveillance camera or motion sensitivity-based cameras produce large volume of data when employed for recording videos. As analysis of videos by humans demands immense manpower, automatic video summarization is an important and growing research topic. Hence, it is necessary to summarize the activities in the scene and eliminate unusual and redundant events recorded in videos. The proposed work has developed a video summarization framework using key moment-based frame selection and clustering of frames to identify only informative frames. The key moment is a simple yet effective characteristic for summarizing a long video shot and motion is the most salient feature in presenting actions or events in video which is used here to extract the key moments of the video frames. The motion is the scene of a video frame which has the most acceleration and deceleration in case of the key moments. Based on the extracted key moments, the frames of the video are partitioned into different groups using a novel similarity-based agglomerative clustering algorithm. The algorithm determines at most K clusters of frames based on Jaccard similarity among the clusters, where K is the user defined parameter set as the 5% to 15% of the size of the video to be summarized. From each cluster, few representative frames are identified based on the centroids of the clusters and arranged according to their original video sequence to generate the summary of the video. The proposed clustering algorithm and the summarization method are evaluated using state-of-the-art video datasets and compared with some related methodologies to demonstrate their effectiveness.

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Yasmin, G., Chowdhury, S., Nayak, J. et al. Key moment extraction for designing an agglomerative clustering algorithm-based video summarization framework. Neural Comput & Applic 35, 4881–4902 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06132-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06132-1