Depicting an image in a specific style (e.g., positive, negative, humor, and romantic) is drawing emerging attention. In consideration of the inadequacy of diversity in the stylistic dataset, a larger factual corpus is typically introduced to enhance the correlation between generated caption and image content. Due to the emphasis on emotional expression, the model may neglect the semantic representation, which reduces the consistency of the stylized caption with image object and content. Therefore, based on adversarial training mechanism , we proposed an image captioning system CA-GAN to address this issue. Conditioned on image features and semantic vectors, a refining gate is implemented to obtain the most informative context from sentences. A two-separated LSTM architecture is designed to learn semantic knowledge at a comprehensive level. During adversarial training, the parameters of generator and discriminator are updated with stylistic corpus, interactively. Benefited from these components, the generated caption is capable of integrating sentiment-bearing properties with appropriate factual information, and with a strong correlation to the image. Evaluation results show the outstanding performance of our approach. The linguistic analysis demonstrates that our model improves the consistency, as well as the attractiveness, of the stylized caption with the object and content of image, respectively.

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Feng, J., Zhao, J. Improving stylized caption compatibility with image content by integrating region context. Neural Comput & Applic 34, 4151–4163 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06422-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-021-06422-8