The use of code-mixed languages in social media platforms is very common to communicate in an informal way and has immense importance in a multilingual society, like India. Implementing various NLP tasks on code-mixed language for machine comprehension and NLP applications is the need of the hour. The implementation of complex learning models is difficult due to the scarcity of available code-mixed resources. Designing more effective architectures to perform learning from low resource dataset along with transfer learning settings are the possible solutions. We propose an improvised transformer network (Character Inclusion Transformer) that utilizes and learns character-level information available in the words of code-mixed sentences. The proposed model improves the performance of the transformer model when trained from scratch using low resource code-mixed datasets. We also propose two more architecture settings, useful for transfer learning strategy using the mBERT pre-trained model. Three basic word-level tagging NLP tasks, i.e., NER, POS Tagging, and Language Identification (LID) are considered in the paper where Language Identification is specific to code-mixed language. Six separate datasets, namely IIITH NER, LID FIRE, LID ICON, LID UD, POS ICON, POS UD, have been tested, and results are reported using weighted and macro-average while evaluating precision, recall and F1 score

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Appendix A tag wise result
Appendix A tag wise result
The precision, recall, and F1 score for each tag in all datasets are shown in the tables below for weighted and Macro-average along with respective support values. Tables 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 show the performance on POS ICON, POS UD, LID FIRE, LID ICON, LID UD, IIITH NER datasets, respectively.
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Bhowmick, R.S., Ganguli, I. & Sil, J. Character-level inclusive transformer architecture for information gain in low resource code-mixed language. Neural Comput & Applic 37, 559–577 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-06983-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-06983-2