Traffic crashes are one of the significant causes of death worldwide, and the prediction of this event is complicated due to many contributing factors. This study used spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal information to predict crashes in Chicago at 1 km grid levels. A Deep Hybrid Network (DHN) was developed by exploiting inherent unique characteristics of Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-term Memory (LSTM), and Deep Neural Network (DNN). The hyperparameters of the models were obtained through the Bayesian optimization algorithm. The proposed modeling framework investigated the feature importance, the spatial heterogeneity of predictions, the worst-performing spatial grids, and the spatial distribution of features pertinent to model performance. These analyses transform the proposed DHN into an interpretable and transparent model. The DHN model was compared with Logistic Regression (LR), DNN, CNN, LSTM, and bidirectional LSTM, and it outperformed the baseline models with an accuracy of 0.72, recall of 0.70, false alarm rate of 0.28, and AUC of 0.79. The top three essential features were time, weather, and taxi trips, consecutively. The grid-level distribution of prediction performance investigations revealed a consistent performance of all deep learning models in terms of failed grids (i.e., AUC is 0.5 or less). It was revealed that DHN has the fewest failed grids (i.e., 18 failed from 710 grids) among the experimented models. According to the district level analysis, the O’hare airport area and the central district had the fewest number of failed grids for all methods, while the far south district had the highest number of failed grids. In addition, it was observed that the passed grid had a higher average feature density than the failed grid.

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- AUC:
Area under curve
- Bi-LSTM:
Bidirectional long short-term memory
Classification and regression tree
- CNN:
Convolution neural network
- DHN:
Deep hybrid network
- DNN:
Deep neural network
- DT:
Decision tree
- GPS:
Global positioning system
- ITS:
Intelligent transportation system
Long short-term memory
- LR:
Logistic regression
- PNN:
Probabilistic neural network
- RNN:
Recurrent neural network
- SVM:
Support vector machine
- VMS:
Variable message signs
EXtreme gradient boosting
- oC:
- \({g}_{n}\) :
Grid (n)
- k:
Timestamp (k)
- K:
Total number of timestamps
- L:
Vector of model prediction for each spatial grids
- m:
Number of timesteps backward
- N:
Number of spatial grids
- \({u}_{n}\) :
Spatial features located in grid (n)
- U:
Vector of spatial features
- V:
Vector of input features
- \({w}_{k}\) :
Temporal features for timestamp (k)
- W:
Vector of temporal features
- \({x}_{t,g}\) :
Spatiotemporal feature for grid \({g}_{n}\) and a timestamp \({t}_{k}\)
- X:
Vector of spatiotemporal features
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Kashifi, M.T., Al-Sghan, I.Y., Rahman, S.M. et al. Spatiotemporal grid-based crash prediction—application of a transparent deep hybrid modeling framework. Neural Comput & Applic 34, 20655–20669 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-07511-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-07511-y