This paper is mainly concerned with the leaderless consensus problem for nonlinear multi-agent systems (MAS) with unknown mismatched nonlinear dynamics and external disturbances. First, a novel adaptive controller is designed to achieve bounded consensus with a linear feedback term, the RBF neural network (RBFNN) adaptive approximation term, a discontinuous feedback term, and a state constraint term. Furthermore, on this basis, an observer-based robust uniform control scheme against disturbance is proposed to achieve the leaderless consensus of MAS with unmeasurable states under the directed graph. Compared with the previous works, the proposed controller is less conservative. Finally, two simulation-based examples are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.

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This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61873306.
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Appendix A Proof of Theorem 1
Let \({{\tilde{{\bar{\Xi }}} }_i} = {{{\bar{\Xi }} }_i} - \Xi _i^*\). Then choose the following Lyapunov function for systems (12):
where \({{\bar{w}}}\), \({{\bar{\iota }} }\) and \({{\bar{\alpha }} }\) are positive scalars and P is a solution of (14). \({{r_i}}\) satisfy the Lamma 3.
Then the derivative of \(V({\varepsilon _i},{w_i},{\iota _i})\) along (11) can be obtained as
Since \(\Gamma = - {B^T}{P^{ - 1}}\), \(\Lambda = {P^{ -1}}B{B^T}{P^{ - 1}}\), some mathematical manipulations give that
where \(\kappa {\lambda _{2\Psi }} \ge 1\), \({{{\bar{\alpha }} }_i} \le {\lambda _{2\Psi }}\) and \({{{\bar{\iota }} }_i} \le {\lambda _{2\Psi }}\).
Substituting \({{\dot{w}}_i}(t),{{{\dot{\iota }}} _i}(t),{{{{\dot{\alpha }}} }_i}(t),{{\dot{{{\tilde{\Xi }}}}}_i},{{\dot{\tilde{\bar{\Xi }}}}_i}\), (A3), (A4), and (A5) into (A2) gives
Due to
So the \(\dot{V}({\varepsilon _i},{w_i},{\iota _i})\) can be rewritten as
It is well known that \(tr(W_1W_2) = tr(W_2W_1)\) holds for suitable matrices \(W_1\), \(W_2\), one has
Furthermore, the Hölder inequality ensures
where \({\lambda _{M\Psi }}\left( {{\theta _M} + {d_M}} \right) \le {\bar{\iota }} {{{\bar{\iota }} }_i}\). Then, it follows from (A9) and (A10) that:
where \({\vartheta _2}\) is the positive constant. Due to \(P > 0\), the \(V({\varepsilon _i},{w_i},{\iota _i})\) is non-increasing and guarantees that the signals are bounded.
Since \(V({\varepsilon _i},{w_i},{\iota _i},t) \le V(0)\) and is non-increasing, it thus has a finite limit \({V^\infty }\) as \(t \rightarrow \infty\). By noting (25), it is easy to get that
By utilizing Lemma 2, one has \(\mathop {\lim }\limits _{t \rightarrow \infty } {\varepsilon ^T}\left( {{I_N} \otimes {P^{ - 1}}} \right) \varepsilon = \mathbf{{0}}\). So one has \(\mathop {\lim }\limits _{t \rightarrow \infty } \left\| {\varepsilon (t)} \right\| = 0\).
Define \({\hat{\Xi }}_i^* = {{{\hat{\Xi }}}_i} - {{\bar{\Xi }}_i}\), then it is easy to get that:
Since \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{t \rightarrow \infty } \left\| {\varepsilon (t)} \right\| = 0\), \({{h_i}\left( {{x_i}} \right) }\) is uniformly bounded, \({{\sigma _i}}\) and \({{\tau _i}}\) are given positive scalars, then \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{t \rightarrow \infty } {\left\| {\hat{\Xi }_i^*} \right\| _F} = 0\), i.e, \(\mathop {\lim }\nolimits _{t \rightarrow \infty } \left( {{{{\hat{\Xi }}}_i} - {{\bar{\Xi }}_i}} \right) = \mathbf{{O}}\). From (7), we can conclude that \({w_i}(t),{\iota _i}(t)\) converge to a finite value. The proof is completed.
Appendix B Proof of Theorem 2
Define \({{\tilde{{\bar{\Omega }}} }_i} = {{{\bar{\Omega }} }_i} - \Omega _i^*\). Then choose the following Lyapunov function for systems (21):
The derivative of \(V({{{{\tilde{\varepsilon }}} }_i},{{\tilde{w}}_i}(t),{{{{\tilde{\iota }}} }_i}(t))\) can be obtained as
where \({\bar{{\tilde{w}}}}\), \({\bar{{{\tilde{\iota }}} }}\), \({{{{{\tilde{\tau }}} }_i}}\) are positive constants.
Substituting \({{{\dot{{\tilde{w}}}}_i}\left( t \right) }\), \({{{\dot{{{\tilde{\iota }}}} }_i}\left( t \right) }\), \({{{\dot{{{\tilde{\Omega }}}} }_i}}\) and \({{{\dot{\tilde{{\bar{\Omega }} }}}_i}}\) into (B15) gives
Since \({{\tilde{\Gamma }}} = - {B^T}Q_1^{ - 1}\), \({{\tilde{\Lambda }}} = Q_1^{ - 1}B{B^T}Q_1^{ - 1}\), some mathematical manipulations give that
where \({{\tilde{\kappa }}} {\lambda _{2\Psi }} \ge 1\), \({\lambda _{2\Psi }}{{\tilde{\vartheta }}} \ge {\bar{{{\tilde{\iota }}}} }_i\) and \(\bar{\tilde{\iota }} {{\bar{{{\tilde{\iota }}}} }_i} \ge \left( {{\theta _M} + {d_M}} \right)\).
Similar to (A7), we can derive
It is well known that \(tr(W_1W_2) = tr(W_2W_1)\) holds for suitable matrices \(W_1\), \(W_2\), one has
Substituting (B17)-(B22) into (B16), the \(\dot{V}({{\tilde{\varepsilon }}_i},{{{\tilde{w}}}_i}(t),{{{{\tilde{\iota }}} }_i}(t))\) can be rewritten as
Due to
So the \(\dot{V}({{{{\tilde{\varepsilon }}} }_i},{{{\tilde{w}}}_i}(t),{{\tilde{\iota }}_i}(t))\) can be rewritten as
Define \(\xi = {\left[ {{{{{\tilde{\varepsilon }}} }^T},{\delta ^T}} \right] ^T}\), the \(\dot{V}({{{{\tilde{\varepsilon }}} }_i},{{\tilde{w}}_i}(t),{{{{\tilde{\iota }}} }_i}(t))\) can be denoted as
According to (25) and (26), it is not difficult to obtain \({\Phi _{11}} < - {\varpi _2}I\) and \({\Phi _{22}} < - {\varpi _3}I\). According to Schur complement, it gets that \({\Phi _{11}} < 0\), \({\Phi _{11}} - {\Phi _{12}}\Phi _{22}^{ - 1}{\Phi _{21}} < 0\) and \(\Phi < 0\) are equivalent. Since the (B26), \(\dot{V}({{\tilde{\varepsilon }}_i},{{{\tilde{w}}}_i}(t),{{{{\tilde{\iota }}} }_i}(t)) \le {\xi ^T}\Phi \xi \le 0\). Furthermore, \(V({{{{\tilde{\varepsilon }}} }_i},{{{\tilde{w}}}_i}(t),{{{{\tilde{\iota }}} }_i}(t))\) is positive definite and strictly bounded, using the LaSalle-Yoshizawa theorem, we can obtain \(\mathop {\lim }\limits _{t \rightarrow \infty } \dot{V}({\tilde{\varepsilon }_i},{{\tilde{w}}_i}(t),{{{\tilde{\iota }}} _i}(t)) = 0\). Furthermore, we can obtain \(\mathop {\lim }\limits _{t \rightarrow \infty } \xi = 0\). Thus we can conclude that MAS achieves consensus. This completes the proof.
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Chen, B., Li, C., Qi, X. et al. Adaptive NN-based distributed consensus control for nonlinear multi-agent systems under direct graphs. Neural Comput & Applic 35, 17795–17807 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-023-08646-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-023-08646-2