The scale imbalance of the backbone and the neck is the main reason for the inferior accuracy of small object detection when using the general object detector. The general object detector usually contains a complex backbone and a lightweight neck, in which the complex backbone always costs large computational resource and the lightweight neck is hard to interact with deep semantic and shallow spatial information. Thus, the general object detector has severe scale imbalance in detecting small objects. Based on these, in this paper, we propose a novel detector named IUDet which includes a lightweight backbone and a complex neck. A novel sampling strategy is proposed, named pixel-spanning merge (PSM), in the lightweight backbone to save computational cost. In other side, it can transfer features of the scale dimension to the spatial dimension, thus enhancing information interaction. Moreover, the neck is designed with the element-wise sum of multi-scale features and an inverted U-shaped skip connection to improve the small object’s feature representation. The experimental results show that our IUDet outperforms the most popular detectors on MS COCO 2017 and VisDrone DET2019, in small object detection.

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This work was supported by National key research and development projects (No. 2020YFC1523301), the Xi’an major scientific and technological achievements transformation and industrialization projects (No. 20GXSF0005), the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant (No. 62106199), and Graduate Innovation Program of Northwestern University (No. CX2023185). At the same time, thanks are due to the researchers who provided valuable comments and assistance in the writing and review of the paper.
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Chai, E., Chen, L., Hao, X. et al. Mitigate the scale imbalance via multi-scale information interaction in small object detection. Neural Comput & Applic 36, 1699–1712 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-023-09122-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-023-09122-7