In the rapidly evolving domain of biometric security, the significance of Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection (FPAD) has become increasingly paramount, given the susceptibility of Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) to advanced spoofing techniques. This systematic literature review (SLR), spanning from 2022 to the second quarter of 2024, delves into the intricate challenges and burgeoning opportunities within FPAD. It focuses on innovative methodologies for detecting presentation attacks, the prevalent challenges posed by spoof fabrications (including materials like silicone, gelatine, and latex), and the exploration of potential advancements in FPAD effectiveness. The comprehensive analysis, based on a rigorous review protocol, scrutinizes 40 seminal peer-reviewed articles from the IEEE Xplore and ScienceDirect databases. This exploration uncovers a diverse range of strategies in FPAD, including software-centric and hardware-assisted approaches, each bearing unique implications for security enhancement and user privacy considerations. A pivotal finding of this review is the identification of critical research gaps, particularly in the development of algorithms capable of universal detection, the system’s adaptability to novel spoofing materials, and the ethical management of biometric data. This review provides a contemporary assessment of the current state of FPAD and establishes a foundation for future research directions. It highlights the need for continuous innovation in response to the evolving sophistication of spoofing techniques and the imperative of maintaining a balance between robust security measures and user-centric design in biometric systems. This review underscores the dynamic interplay between technological advancements, the ingenuity of attackers, and the ongoing endeavour to achieve reliable, user-friendly, and ethically responsible biometric security solutions.

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D.S.A performed conceptualization, methodology, visualization, writing—original draft preparation, and manuscript revision; S.S.S conducted supervision, methodology, writing—reviewing, proofreading of manuscript, and manuscript revision; D.M.A participated in supervision, methodology, writing—reviewing, editing, and manuscript revision; G.D.A presented curation of literature, analysis and proofreading of manuscript, visualization, validation, and manuscript revision; D.J carried out investigation, curation of literature, proofreading of manuscript, editing, visualization, and manuscript revision; N.H prepared curation of literature, editing, proofreading of manuscript, and manuscript revision.
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Ametefe, D.S., Sarnin, S.S., Ali, D.M. et al. Advancements and challenges in fingerprint presentation attack detection: a systematic literature review. Neural Comput & Applic 37, 1797–1819 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10423-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-024-10423-8