This paper presents a contextual video advertising system, called AdOn, which supports intelligent overlay in-video advertising. Unlike most current ad-networks such as Youtube that overlay the ads at fixed locations in the videos (e.g., on the bottom fifth of videos 15 s in), AdOn is able to automatically detect a set of spatio-temporal non-intrusive locations and associate the contextually relevant ads with these locations. The overlay ad locations are obtained on the basis of video structuring, face and text detection, as well as visual saliency analysis, so that the intrusiveness to the users can be minimized. The ads are selected according to content-based multimodal relevance so that the relevance can be maximized. AdOn represents one of the first attempts towards contextual overlay video advertising by leveraging information retrieval and multimedia content analysis techniques. The experiments conducted on a video database with more than 100 video programs and 7,000 ad products indicated that AdOn is superior to existing advertising approaches in terms of ad relevance and user experience.

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Mei, T., Guo, J., Hua, XS. et al. AdOn: toward contextual overlay in-video advertising. Multimedia Systems 16, 335–344 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-010-0195-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-010-0195-8