Fake news can mislead the public and cause great harm to society. As social media contains more and more multimodal information, multimodal fake news detection has received widespread attention. However, existing methods face difficulties in dealing with the consistency of text and images. Considering the consistent relationship between text and images, this paper proposes a multimodal fake news detection model based on consistent contrastive learning graph. Specifically, the network first uses vision GNN to treat the image as a grid structure to suppress irrelevant information. Then, consistency contrast learning is used to calculate the semantic distance between the extracted text features and image features to improve the consistency between the text and the image. Finally, multimodal cross-attention is used to fuse text and image features interactively. The experimental results on Weibo and Twitter datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model in the fake news detection task.

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All data included are freely available through the following repository: https://github.com/wangzhuang1911/Weibo-dataset.
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ShaoDong Cui and Kaibo Duan contributed equally to the conceptualization and methodology design of the study. ShaoDong Cui implemented the core algorithms, performed experiments, and analyzed the results. Kaibo Duan assisted with experimental validation and data analysis. Wen Ma contributed to the model development and provided critical revisions. Hiroyuki Shinnou supervised the research, contributed to the methodology, and provided overall guidance. All authors contributed to the manuscript writing and approved the final version.
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Cui, S., Duan, K., Ma, W. et al. CCGN: consistency contrastive-learning graph network for multi-modal fake news detection. Multimedia Systems 31, 119 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-025-01715-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00530-025-01715-7